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What are the symptoms of Lung Cancer?

It is a common belief that a cough is the primary sign of lung cancer, or that people with lung cancer experience shortness of breath. However, that is not the case every time. Lung cancer treatment is most effective when the disease is diagnosed in its earlier stages. But lung cancer does not always show noticeable symptoms in its early stages, and many people aren’t diagnosed until the disease has advanced. Nonetheless, there are a few early symptoms of lung cancer that does occur in some people. Read on to learn about these early signs as well as the risk factors involved.

symptoms of Lung Cancer

Early possible symptoms and signs of lung cancer.

1) Cough:

Be on alert for any cough that lingers. A cough that does not go away even after 2 to 3 weeks can be an indication of lung cancer. Any cough related to a cold or respiratory infection will subside in a week or so, but a persistent cough that tends to linger can be a symptom of cancer. Also be attentive regarding any changes in a chronic cough, especially if you smoke. Basically, you need to rush to a doctor if your cough becomes more regular, starts lingering, sounds hoarse, or produces blood and large amounts of mucus.

2) Arm/shoulder pain or eye problems:

Most people with lung cancer do not experience any pain during its early stages. However, pain can occur if lung cancer invades the ribs, chest wall, vertebrae, and certain nerves. For example, Pancoast tumors develop in the lung’s upper part and often spread to the nearby tissues, nerves, or blood vessels. This causes pain in your arms, shoulder blade, or upper back. The Pancoast tumors also cause eye problems, wherein the pupil of one eye gets smaller and the eyelid droops.

3) Finger clubbing:

A rather less typical symptom is finger clubbing. In other words, the ends of the fingers appear “thicker” and the fingernails begin to curve downwards like a spoon. It is not entirely clear why finger clubbing happens, but it may be due to reduced blood oxygen levels that lead to tissue changes.

4) Raspy or hoarse voice:

If your voice undergoes a significant change or begins to sound deeper, raspier, or hoarse, it’s time to reach out to the doctor. In most cases, a simple cold causes hoarseness, but this symptom could be something serious if it persists. Hoarseness related to lung cancer takes place when a tumor affects the nerve that controls the vocal cords.

5) Sudden weight loss:

To put it simply, weight loss is a common lung cancer symptom. An unexplained weight loss can be caused by many types of cancer, including lung cancer. Usually, the drop in weight can be because of cancer cells using energy, or the way your body utilises energy from food. It’s important not to ignore such changes in your weight as they may be an indication of changes in your overall health.

6) Fatigue or feeling tired:

Fatigue is another common symptom. Cancer robs the body of energy by feeding off the body’s nutrients. This makes it difficult to get through everyday chores. Patients can also become anemic, as lung cancer causes the lungs to not function properly. Severe fatigue can make it difficult to perform daily activities.

7) Shortness of breath:

Shortness of breath or wheezing is also a possible symptom of lung cancer. Some people in addition to shortness of breath may also experience a slight cough. Whereas, others may face difficulty in breathing but have no cough. When your airways get blocked, constricted, or inflamed, your lungs may produce a whistling or wheezing sound while breathing. So, it’s best to bring it to your doctor’s notice, since wheezing can also be related to lung cancer.

Lung cancer can affect anyone; however, it is primarily prevalent among people who smoke. Quitting smoking can reduce your risk of lung cancer regardless of your age. The above mentioned signs and symptoms may not necessarily mean lung cancer, but having more than one is concerning and you should schedule a checkup with your doctor. You can get yearly checkups and screenings done at the best cancer hospital in Thane.

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