The heart is an extremely complex organ and many different conditions and problems can affect its functioning, which are collectively called Heart Diseases. There are many types of Heart Diseases, each one with its own symptoms and treatment. For some, medicine and lifestyle changes can contribute in improving your health. For others, you may need surgery to make your ticker work efficiently again. It can be confusing and worrying to be diagnosed with a heart condition, but there are a lot of advanced treatments and information available now to support you in battling heart related conditions. Sometimes understanding what is happening helps with anxiety and worry. In this list, we discuss 5 common Heart Diseases that affect most people.
Heart Diseases :
Heart Attack:
A heart attack – also known as myocardial infarction occurs when the heart muscle is cut off from the oxygen it needs to operate. This happens when the blood supply to your heart muscle gets reduced or completely blocked. It is most commonly caused due to the slow build-up of plaque, which includes cholesterol, fat and other substances, in the coronary arteries. Consequently, it slows or blocks the blood flow which can cause a heart attack.
Heart Failure:
Heart failure is when your heart fails to work efficiently because it doesn’t pump blood as well as it should to meet your body’s needs. This leads to many symptoms such as shortness of breath and fatigue. It is usually caused due to coronary artery disease, but can also happen if you have high blood pressure, thyroid disease, heart muscle disease (cardiomyopathy), or some other conditions.
Congenital Heart Conditions:
Congenital heart disease is a birth defect that happens when something goes wrong while the heart is forming in a baby that’s still in the womb. It can range from a small hole in the heart to something more severe. This heart abnormality sometimes leads to problems right after birth or over time once you become an adult, and in some cases, you may not experience them at all. The good thing is this disease can be treated with surgery.
Heart arrhythmia develops when your heart is unable to regulate the electrical impulses which help to stimulate the heartbeat, causing it to beat either too fast or too slow. Having arrhythmia means your heart has an irregular beating pattern. In some cases, heart arrhythmia does not have any serious consequences, but in more severe cases, the patient may require urgent medical attention. Serious arrhythmia often develops due to other heart problems but can also happen on its own.
Heart Valve Disease:
Your heart has four valves that open and close to regulate the flow of blood through the heart. Any abnormality could make it hard for the valve to open and close the right way. Consequently, such problems with the valves can increase the workload of your heart and put a strain on your heart muscle. This may result in symptoms like fatigue, chest pain and shortness of breath.